
Developing Caring Learners who are Actively Growing and Achieving

Karima Girls is about people. Our teaching and non-teaching staff are dedicated to providing the best environment for every student to learn and develop. The support of parents is recognized as integral to this. The triangle of teachers, parents, and students is strengthened by open communication. We actively encourage comments and suggestions from parents and students; our staff operates an open-door policy.

School Dress Code

Students are expected to dress in a manner that is appropriate to the school environment. Cleanliness and appropriateness are the most important aspects of personal appearance. Appropriateness is relative to an activity and the activity’s purpose.

School Motto


Our Vision

An enthusiastic and Creative community of learners responsive to emerging issues.


To nurture holistic learners by equipping them with essential knowledge, skills, competences and values.


At Karima Girls High School we recognise that every student is an individual with unique requirements and we beleive in creating individualised study programmes for all.

Karima Girls Shines in 2024 National Exams with Outstanding Performance

In the year 2024, the ambitious and hardworking students of Karima Girls High School achieved an impressive mean score of 8.5219 in the national examinations. A total of 470 candidates sat for the exams, demonstrating their dedication and academic excellence. As a result of their outstanding performance, the school attained a remarkable 90.85% transition rate to university, ensuring that the majority of the students secured placements in higher education institutions. This achievement reflects the institution’s commitment to academic excellence, disciplined learning, and the unwavering support of teachers, parents, and stakeholders.


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